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Tagged With "University of Washington"


Re: A visit to Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

Paul Heymont ·
Jefferson has always been a fascinating and difficult character, with many sides to his life and work. Aside from the Monticello and other designs, he was also a pioneer agriculturalist, importing many varieties of flowers and vegetables, and improving them by breeding. But for me, the hardest task, mentally and emotionally, is to reconcile the brilliant political and philosophical words with an absolute refusal to even question the institution of slavery, when many others of his time in...

Re: Should Wi-Fi be free in all hotels?

Paul Heymont ·
Actually, privatized toll roads are the coming thing these days! Some states have sold off roads; others have allowed private companies to build from scratch. The road to Dulles Airport near Washington is a prime example. But the comparisons to WiFi here don't really work. No one charged extra for electric light in hotels when it was new; it simply replaced the gas lighting. It took 70 years of broadcasting to create a pay system. As for WiFi, or internet access in hotels generally, it's not...

Re: Ottawa – NOT the coldest Capital in the world!

Todd ·
Nice article, but have to point out that the "Capitol" is a building in Washington DC while Ottawa (and Washington DC itself for that matter) are the "capitals" of their countries. One letter, but very different meanings.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #7.0

WorkerBee ·
It's the capitol building. Well, not THE capitol building but A capitol building. One of fifty scattered around the United States. One with a dome. One in which the building is very similar to THE capitol building in Washington, D.C. Gumbo is in Salt Lake City standing in front of the Utah State Capitol building!

Re: Oresund Bridge to get mammoth paint job

Jonathan L ·
Interesting, The George Washington Bridge is always undergoing repainting. It takes about 2 years to completely repaint the bridge, and when they finish they start again.

Re: Remembering: The British War Cemetery, Trincomalee

GarryRF ·
War Memorial Washington DC.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 22, 2014: Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida

Ottoman ·
Originally Posted by Travel Luver: What's the best ride? Hi Travel Luver! I can honestly say that I enjoyed all the rides at the Universal Studios Theme Parks, but if I had to pick a favorite or favorites, I would have to say that I particularly enjoyed the 3-D rides such as "Despicable Me Minion Mayhem" (where Gru turns you into a Minion and you embark on a wild ride through Gru's lab), "The Simpsons Ride" (where you embark on a wild ride through Krustyland and Springfield), and "The...

Re: Popularity of POD hotels grows

Paul Heymont ·
Funny seeing this come back...50 years ago, there was something like this at Washington: A pair of what looked like trailers, mounted above stairs with a small office at the bottom to rent resting places by the hour or afternoon. And the next size up is the very spartan motels like Premiere Classe and Formule One...we call them "a bed in a box," which is about what they are. Great for when you fly in late at night and just want to sleep and then go in the morning!

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#59)

MAD Travel Diaries ·
I knew I'd seen this so went through all my photos. at first I also thought train station in Europe but your most recent clues helped. It's the Harold Washington Library in Chicago?

Re: GPS v. Sicily = WTF

Travel Rob ·
I did meet a lot of great people asking for directions over the years ,although I must admit I love the GPS in places like Washington DC where its so easy to get confused even with directions

Re: World's 10 Best Airports? Maybe...

Paul Heymont ·
I think the comments, and mine are all hitting on the same point: better airport is not more amenities for while you're trapped there...better airport is not trapping you there. I get disbelieving stares when I tell people that Laguardia is my favorite. But, while it looks a bit dated, its size means you don't have ridiculous hikes, and it's easy to get in and get out. Heathrow T5, on the other hand...especially if you are transferring from an experience that makes you feel like...

Re: Photography at the Edges, New York & San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
One more for the list of wonderful things to see, the world's largest pinhole photograph at Washington D.C.'s National Air & Space Museum. So many things, so little time.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 30, 2015: Spirit Island

TravelingCanuck ·
I know what you mean. Maligne Lake is a beautiful area to see and the tour out to Spirit Island is certainly worth it. One of the most notable things about the lake is the colour of the water itself that is due to being glacier fed. Up there this past June and was treated to a young moose feeding along the water near the boat launch and then two young black bears dining along the cutline just off the main road. Chatted with a family from Washington DC and a young German couple. They were...

Re: Visual Bulimia? A Bloated Surfeit of Images?

Paul Heymont ·
Sheer volume has become a digital-age issue not only for images. The constant flow of e-mail (more spam than real, often); tweets about celebrities' teeth, clothes and turmoil; TV and radio repetitions as well as Konstant Kardashians are serious forms of mind pollution. Sometimes it takes an extended series of images to create a picture, an insight. But too many will mask, not highlight, the point. That's why I enjoy well-curated exhibits of the work of thoughtful (not merely skillful)...

Re: New aluminum battery could be traveler's best friend

DrFumblefinger ·
It might just revolutionize consumer electronics -- and perhaps even make battery powered cars and such a more feasible option.

Re: It's magic: Harry Potter boosts park profits 38%

GarryRF ·
The Harry Potter collection has also boosted the number of younger folks that are reading books. That's got to be a bonus ! Kids here in the UK say there's so much more detail in the books than the films. Got to be better than "Blob dodging" on a computer screen !

Re: It's magic: Harry Potter boosts park profits 38%

Paul Heymont ·
I agree...and I thank you for a wonderful phrase and image: "blob dodging!"

Re: The Palouse, Cheney

DrFumblefinger ·
Nice to know Google works to our advantage sometime. The Palouse is the area of rolling farmland in southeastern Washington. Very pretty and sparsely developed country. Cheney is the name of a small town not far from Spokane which is home to Eastern Washington University. Besides education, the only other industry around town is farming.

Re: The Old Stone Mill, Bronx, New York

Paul Heymont ·
Just to add a little more...the mill, also known as the Snuff Mill, is the oldest industrial building in New York City...but most of the others in the 20 oldest list predate it by 150 to 200 years. Most are houses in Brooklyn and Queens (one is still a private house after 350 years!) but one is in the Bronx: the 1748 Van Cortlandt Mansion--where George Washington really did sleep. For a link to the fascinating list, click HERE

Re: World's most attractive libraries

Xenophile ·
I'm a fan of the Suzzallo Library at the University of Washington in Seattle. It was designed to be a cathedral to Science, and in addition to the states of the muses shown below there are others of great thinkers such as Issac Newton, Johannes Gutenberg and Charles Darwin. Exterior At Night: Some of the statues on the outside: Interior: Stairway:

Re: World's most attractive libraries

DrFumblefinger ·
A followup to attractive libraries are great bookstores. Fodors just released 16 of their favorites in the USA, which you can find here . I've visited a number of these and enjoyed them. I would like to add two other stores that I know of. 1) Univ. of Washington bookstore. While mostly a student store aimed at textbooks and supplies and such, it has an excellent collection of fiction and non-fiction as well as frequent author readings and book signings. 2) Auntie's books in Spokane,...

Re: A Fall Visit to Krakow's Hala Targowa Market

DrFumblefinger ·
Hi Samantha! The apples were a highlight of the market and we enjoyed them! Very sweet and juicy. I've heard of the Oak Glen Apple festival but never visited it. I regret I didn't. But I lived in Washington state for 8 years and as you know, apples are a big deal. There are a number of harvest festivals in that state featuring apples.

Re: June 23, 2016: Thomas Jefferson Memorial, Washington, D.C.

DrFumblefinger ·
I like this memorial, especially at night time, when the bronze figure of Jefferson really stands out against the light colored dome. Thanks, Ottoman!

Re: 100 Years of Flight in Kitty Hawk, NC

DrFumblefinger ·
I empathize with your rainy, muddy experience. That is no fun. As I recall, Kitty Hawk is also very windy, one of the reasons the Wright brothers chose it. They knew if they could fly their plane into the wind for some distance, no one could challenge the fact that they had flown a heavier than air machine. I regard this as one of the greatest stories of the 20th century. Two creative guys from a bicycle shop in the midwest designed and developed a successful flying machine. It didn't take a...

Re: May 4, 2016: The Pend Oreille River Valley, Washington

DrFumblefinger ·
If I'd been 10 seconds faster, PHeymont, that top photo would have had a bald eagle sitting on the tip of the pine tree to the left. Just flew away as I put the camera to my eye. But maybe that would have been too perfect.... Northeastern Washington state and the Idaho panhandle are really beautiful and not that visited.

Re: 'The Walking Dead' attraction coming to Universal Studios Hollywood

DrFumblefinger ·
Nice to know there's an attraction out there I can skip!

Re: Going to Heathrow? Well, it's NOT in London!

GarryRF ·
Its hard to find an Airport in the US that I find convenient too ..... LAX - Los Angeles 18.2 miles PIT - Pittsburgh 19.1 miles IAH - Houston 20.1 miles DFW - Dallas 20.9 miles; Ft. Worth 24.5 miles MCI - Kansas City 21.0 miles DTW - Detroit 22.1 miles DEN - Denver 25.2 miles IAD - Washington DC 26.9 miles



Pam Petersen

Pam Petersen



Travel Luver

Travel Luver



Re: Mediation for AA/US Airways Merger

Paul Heymont ·
In a nutshell: AA and USAir are making exactly the argument you are, and the Justice Dept. is saying, in effect, "We shoulda stopped them, too." Obviously a lot of issues (both in terms of fares and of maintaining service to smaller cities), but not clear why the line's been drawn here. Meanwhile, Texas pulled out of the suit, Florida may follow, mayors of cities with AA and USAir hubs have backed the merger, airport operators are chiming the mediation may end up being Justice's way...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, November 3, 2014: Ceramic Making in Avanos (Turkey)

GarryRF ·
On my first visit to a ceramics store in Turkey I received an interesting culture lesson. The guy in the store was also the producer of these fascinating pieces of artwork. His late father had passed the business to him and that was the family tradition. I struck a good deal on the items I bought and thanked him for his patience in showing me how the ceramics were made - with the help of photographs from his factory. His father had been to Washington DC and was head of ceramics when the...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#65)

Roderick Simpson ·
Going back to my original thought of the Capitol building in Washington, I wondered about other similar buildings with domes in Washington, and I think this has to be that of the Library of Congress.

Re: The Library of Congress: Where Gumbo Was (#65)

Paul Heymont ·
Quite possibly for the same reason I've missed so many NYC spots...I lived for three years two blocks from the Washington Heights campus that includes the Hispanic Society Museum, the Audubon Museum and at that time the Museum of the American Indian. I always planned to go "some weekend soon..." I didn't go to the Library of Congress when I lived in the area in the early 60s; our visit earlier this month came about because a Catalan friend of ours who teaches in NY had taken her visiting...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #52

DrFumblefinger ·
I suppose it's time for our first clue. Lynn Millar, you're on the right continent but it's not in Washington or Oregon.

Re: Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site, Manitoba, Canada. One of the buildings inside the fort complex

Jessica Meddows ·
Not sure, and not sure. We're on a working roadtrip in our 30 foot RV. Been in California for a month for work and will do another 4 weeks in Silicon Valley. Then we'll leisurely make our way back home to Toronto visa Washington, Oregon, and into Canada. So we don't set days or time limits on our travels - just to make meetings and the like!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 23, 2014: Sleeping Giant Provincial Park, Ontario

GarryRF ·
Passing through Towns in Australia and North America (incl. Canada) I like to stop off and take a few photo's of places that have been named after places in the UK. In Chester PA. I was asked "Do you have a Chester too?" - " Yes and a Jersey, York, Boston, Washington, Dover, Bethesda, Birmingham and a few more " Didn't know you had a Fort William until I was watching a "Who Do You Think You Are" TV show recently. A female Celebrity was tracking her ancestral trail from the UK.

Re: Wallace, Idaho: From mining town to "Center of the Universe"

Paul Heymont ·
Wish I'd had THAT manhole cover for the blog we had here on Gumbo! And you got my heart with the bus...same model was my school bus at Fort Leavenworth in the 50s...

Re: Wallace, Idaho: From mining town to "Center of the Universe"

PortMoresby ·
Wallace reminds me of all my favorite places in the western US although I'd never heard of it before. I guess it's the look of an era rather than a particular place, when civilization arrived, paid for by the mines. Shacks replaced by wood replaced by stone & brick, a similar story all over the West. And amazing that so many survive. Thanks, DrF.

Re: Wallace, Idaho: From mining town to "Center of the Universe"

DrFumblefinger ·
Wallace is a very neat town to visit, very recommended stop along the I-90 freeway. Perfect place to walk around for a half day or day and take in the ambience of small town America. As you say, Port Moresby, there's a repeatable charm to how these towns grew up.

Re: Wallace, Idaho: From mining town to "Center of the Universe"

Former Member ·
Nice bus, i would like to take a trip on it

Re: Wallace, Idaho: From mining town to "Center of the Universe"

IslandMan ·
I love visiting old, small towns. There can be so much to see and it looks like Wallace has a lot of interesting history. The Bordello museum sounds fascinating and classic buses are a favorite of mine too. Thanks for taking us there DrF.

Re: Charlottesville, Virginia: Land of Presidents

GarryRF ·
I've spent many days exploring the early times of the Du Pont family around Delaware and Pennsylvania. Explore the old homes and gardens of the American chemical giants. Really fascinating. Chateau Country Route 52 passes thru Delaware’s Chateau Country. Many DuPont homes and estates are tucked away in the areas surrounding Greenville, Delaware and Centerville Delaware. Local residents have managed to preserve the rural character of Route 52 by controlling development. Twin Lakes Brewing...

Re: A Walk in Greenwich Village

Paul Heymont ·
As an even earlier 8th street walker (from the early 60s on) I also remember the wonderful 8th Street Bookshop, and numbers of artisan leather and jewelry was where you went for sandals...sad now, but nice to see Washington Square alive again, even if somewhat sanitized... The seemingly unstoppable expansion of NYU, like that of Columbia uptown, has changed the character of the area profoundly.
Blog Post

Supreme Court asked: Do tour guides need licenses?

Paul Heymont ·
Two Federal courts, one in New Orleans and another in Washington DC have issued conflicting decisions on whether cities can require licensing of tour guides. An advocacy group, Institute for Justice, acting on behalf of a group of guides, has asked...