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Tagged With "Santa Fe Rail Yards"


Re: United, Delta ready to retire 'Queen of the Skies'

GarryRF ·
I'm afraid to say that the changing modes of transport are a yard stick to measure your life-span. I remember with great affection travelling on a steam train. But fail to recall the hot ash that went into your eye through the open window. My favourite childhood vehicle .....

Re: Dec 15, 2016: Kamloops, BC, Canada

DrFumblefinger ·
That's not unlike what my front yard looks like! And Kamloops is not an obvious choice for someone from the UK to move to. What inspired that?

Re: January 20, 2020: Newport Beach, California

Paul Heymont ·
Always a puzzle, Garry, when looking at restaurant reviews, because not everyone values the same thing, and not everyone is health-conscious, even if they say so! And it's not just portion size, either: even in more sensible portions there can be a lot of unhealthy extra calories, food that isn't fresh, etc. And with the arrival of plant-based 'meat,' I find myself amazed at how many people who rail against processed food are pleased to eat this incredibly-processed 'food' because it is...

Re: Limone, Lake Garda, Italy

DrFumblefinger ·
I used to have a Meyer Lemon tree in my yard when I lived in California. It was a dwarf tree, no more than 1.5 meters tall, but it produced more than 300 lemons each year, more than we could consume. I miss that tree!

Re: See Them While You Can: 10 Wins for Historic Preservation

PortMoresby ·
Note that the National Trust for Historic Preservation is a private organization. I think that's key in this era of government cutbacks and a congress unable to accomplish anything to speak of. If the National Park Service is unable to maintain it's infrastructure then one can only imagine how little care might go into preserving bits of our cultural heritage lacking big names, such as those on the list above. Commercial interests also have a place in accomplishing what government and...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #8.5

WorkerBee ·
What a beautiful church Gumbo has found! WITW? The clues: 18th century Spanish colonial architecture, typical of Franciscan missions; Banner in English; Materials are not typical of Florida or Texas missions; Various effigies of animals and unreal creatures, often incorporated by the Franciscans into their liturgy in order to convert American Indians. Typical of US southwestern states; Not one of the remaining California missions; Not in Santa Fe; Checked missions in Arizona. Found (as did...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Mar. 30, 2014: Jean Cocteau on Wine

Paul Heymont ·
Well, borders change and Jerez is no longer "on the edge" of anything. Aside from the sherry houses, it seemed a pleasant mid-size city with nice parks and squares, a gorgeous tiled rail station and an Alcazar with an interesting history. The last two are featured in a blog here on TravelGumbo. See

Re: Nov. 3, 2017: Auditorio Adan Martin, Tenerife

Travel Luver ·
A rather unusual building -- nicely captured!

Re: The Sanity Clause (apologies to Groucho Marx)

Paul Heymont ·
Thanks for this! It's so easy to forget how many ancestors 'our' traditions have, and how very linked we all are!

Re: The Sanity Clause (apologies to Groucho Marx)

GarryRF ·
That's very true Paul. I remember traditions from my childhood that have vanished years ago. I visit Sydney, Australia and find the same traditions are alive and well.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#71)

Paul Heymont ·
Jonathan L's e-mail to yesterday correctly identified the scene as being along the Petite Ceinture, a former commuter and freight rail line circling Paris. Last chance for added glory: Can anyone identify the specific station?

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#72)

Paul Heymont ·
Have the guessers given up? Perish forbid. Here's a hint to get the juices going... This station, in a city that has two rail mass transit systems, is near a well-known center of design and crafts.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#72)

Jonathan L ·
Two rail systems? Berlin??

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#72)

Paul Heymont ·
Other cities with at least two distinct rail mass transit systems (excluding trams) include Barcelona, New York, and London. So...where is Gumbo? The rest of yesterday's clue should fact each of my comments contains a piece of the puzzle...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#72)

Paul Heymont ·
CALLING ALL GUESSERS! Tomorrow is Day 7 for this puzzle, and if no one has the answer by midnight, the Puzzler gets to gloat (just a little) and the answer will be revealed Sunday morning...but wouldn't it look good with your name as the solver? Let's see if you can get 'er done! Last hints/notes: 1. Two more cities with dual heavy-rail transit systems: Philadelphia and San Francisco. Not that that's relevant to the puzzle, because Gumbo is, yes, definitely in Europe. 2. Where (see early...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#72)

GarryRF ·
From your clues PHeymont - I'd guess the Rambuteau rail station. Close to the Pompidou Centre in Paris.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#72)

Jonathan L ·
The yellow rail might mean that it is a subway line somewhere.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, December 24, 2014: Santa's Wonderland

DrFumblefinger ·
A lovely piece of Americana, and a reminder of why I so loved Christmas as a child (and still as an adult!). Thanks, Marilyn!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, December 24, 2014: Santa's Wonderland

GarryRF ·
A piece of the magic we all like to believe in. Lovely photos. Happy Christmas !

Re: Gallery: Lilac Garden, Spokane, Washington

MsK ·
Beautiful, and a wonderful story to go with it. We have a lilac in our back yard . . . waiting for it to bloom.

Re: Gallery: Lilac Garden, Spokane, Washington

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the kind comment! And welcome to TravelGumbo. Needlessly said, I also have lilacs in my yard and enjoy watching them come to life each spring. Their perfume is, perhaps second only to jasmine, my favorite floral scent.

Re: Gallery: The View From Home

IslandMan ·
Beautiful pix Port Moresby. Sometimes being a traveler around your own back yard can be just as much fun as being in another country.

Re: Gallery: Bicycles, Lucca, Italy

Paul Heymont ·
These small views, with their varied backgrounds and very personal bikes, give me a sense of knowing Lucca, even though I haven't been there yet. It seems a quieter energy than what comes from bicycles in huge masses...consider this shot from Copenhagen's Osterport rail station:

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#131)

Travel Luver ·
An old spot, but not ancient. Old crumbling cement and overgrown vegetation... A rail that looks abandoned and paved over. Could be anywhere....

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#85)

Paul Heymont ·
For sure not very old. Probably not a church, though these days.... My first thoughts were a rail or air terminal, but seeing the second roof in the background makes me less sure of that...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#85)

DrFumblefinger ·
I like your idea of a rail terminal of some kind, PHeymont. Perhaps twin rails with a canopy on each side?

Re: Strictly for the Birds...

Paul Heymont ·
While searching for some other photos, I came across these two that might have joined the birds above. One is a scene of well-mannered pigeons on a rail at the Musee Rodin in Paris, perhaps waiting their turn to annoy diners in the garden cafe; the other is yet another of those ironic meetings of statue-fied dignity with feathered pit stop...

Re: Belles lettres et de belles choses: A wanderer's gallery

Paul Heymont ·
Another find for the Belles Lettres category: The 19th-c sign atop the older part of Madrid's Atocha rail station.

Re: Florence, Italy: A city made for walking

Ron B. ·
Just there myself. Phone's battery running low, so pix are limited. A shop's window. On the way to Ponte Vecchio with a friend who bought two enormous gold rings.

Re: Cerro Santa Lucia, Santiago, Chile (Where Gumbo Was #166)

GarryRF ·
Thanks Jonathan ! Took me hours of walking up and down the streets of Santiago to find this location. Well.... Google walking.... Congratulations to you for an excellent series of photos.

Re: LA rail extension great for beachgoers

Travel Rob ·
This will really help on time. As a kid, I took the bus from Santa Monica to Downtown LA a lot and it took forever but it was to be one of the most interesting rides anywhere. It goes through such diverse neighborhoods it almost doesn't seem real.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo #153?

Paul Heymont ·
Looks a bit like a turntable with rails? But there's no overhead wire or third rail, so...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 7, 2013: Bicycle taxi, Santa Clara, Cuba.

Dan Carter ·
They sure have an interesting mix for travel in Cuba...I loved the pictures of the old cars in your other post! In New York I saw bicycle taxis, too, but they were smaller and just for tours, not really for getting around.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 7, 2013: Bicycle taxi, Santa Clara, Cuba.

GarryRF ·
Santa Clara has motorized Taxi's if you want to travel some distance !

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 7, 2013: Bicycle taxi, Santa Clara, Cuba.

GarryRF ·
... and of course - The One Horse Power SUV !

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 7, 2013: Bicycle taxi, Santa Clara, Cuba.

DrFumblefinger ·
A fascinating snapshot of life in Cuba, GarryRF! I am heartened by the spirit of the people, and their pragmatic innovations given the oppressive world in which they live.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 7, 2013: Bicycle taxi, Santa Clara, Cuba.

GarryRF ·
Me too DrFumblefinger ! The Oxen pulling ploughs I've seen in Lancaster PA. but if you need a vase for Flowers (Birthdays) you get the bottom half of a 2 litre plastic Coke Bottle with wrapping paper around it. Looks quite good really ! But the bit that hurts is seeing folks suffer from curable things - like thyroid problems - that we take for granted now as being treatable. Homeopathy and Voodoo prevail... really !

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 7, 2013: Bicycle taxi, Santa Clara, Cuba.

GarryRF ·
Thanks for the link T&N. Bill Gates funds the School of Tropical Medicine here in Liverpool in its search for better treatment and a cure for Malaria. But tales of Save the Planet are all Hogwash. People who live in cool climates - like me - cant wait for the climate to warm up. When the Vikings discovered Greenland a thousand years ago they described it as a "Green and pleasant land with pastures and animals" - and now its just a frozen waste again ! Turn up the CO2 !

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 7, 2013: Bicycle taxi, Santa Clara, Cuba.

Former Member ·
It would be fun to race a bunch of these three wheelers. They look like they would corner and take jumps well.

Re: Tampa Bay Automobile Museum: 4) the French cars

DanielEllsworth ·
Truly this is a great car museum; I like this wonderful French car collection. I am looking to buy the 1952 DeLaHaye 235 car, but I am bit worried whether we will get their performance parts on the market or not. Though I have explored the salvage yard of sites like , etc. but couldn’t find the specific model here. Can you please guide me on this?

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? #64

Paul Heymont ·
I think the terrain may be deceptive (or the bridge). If the terrain is flat, why would the rail line be elevated in this way? On the other hand, the area may be less flat than it looks from this spot...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? #64

DrFumblefinger ·
It not only could be the rail viaduct in Lethbridge, Roderick, it is the Rail Viaduct in Lethbridge. It's really quite an interesting engineering achievement. We'll discuss tomorrow and we'll have a new puzzle for you on Thursday. You guys are getting too good at these! Anyone out there have a puzzle photo they'd like to submit? Please let us know if you do.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Apr. 2, 2014: Looking Across Time

Paul Heymont ·
And there's a chance for the puzzle-minded: Paris has six operating SNCF mainline rail stations today. Without Google, can you name them all?
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, December 24, 2014: Santa's Wonderland

Marilyn Jones ·
Santa's Wonderland in College Station, Texas, has evolved over the past 17 years into the largest Christmas light display in the entire state. In addition to the spectacular light show is Santa's Town featuring gift shops, restaurants, hourly...
Blog Post

A Remote Canadian Village offers Indescribable Natural Discoveries

Marilyn Jones ·
  As I left the hotel in Winnipeg I was outfitted in all my brand new cold-weather gear headed for the airport and a two hour flight to the remote village of Churchill.  I prayed my preparation for facing the sub-zero temperatures and brutal...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 7, 2013: Bicycle taxi, Santa Clara, Cuba.

GarryRF ·
  CUBAN BICYCLE TAXI Cuba- A surprise around every corner ! Santa Clara, Cuba has a Central "Town Square" in the typical Spanish style. It  has Trees for shade and long benches for...
Blog Post


Paul Heymont ·
See the News section below for links to new updates as the major northeast blizzard develops...many flights have already been cancelled pre-emptively to avoid having travelers—and planes—trapped. Many city and intercity road and rail...
Blog Post

Ambitious Plans Presented For High -Speed Train & Mega Road to Link Europe to Asia

Travel Rob ·
In the future,will you be able to take a high speed train and or drive a modern road from Europe to Asia or even Europe to the US? Some ambitious plans were presented at the Russian Academy of Science. Vladimir Yakunin ,head of the Russian Railways ,...
Blog Post

THAT's what a Hamburger's all about....

DrFumblefinger ·
  Many of my Canadian friends find it difficult to understand why someone would want to move away from California.  There were good reasons to stay and, in our case, better reasons to leave, but there are definitely things about California...
Blog Post

Road Trip, Day 5: My Birthday in Chinatown

PortMoresby ·
  March 13, 2015    I was born in San Francisco and it was the only place I wanted to be on this ending-in-zero birthday.  More specifically, in Chinatown, like China, but better in some ways.  I’ve loved it for as long...