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Tagged With "Hendrick Head Beach"


Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
Wow! This has been very helpful, especially the tip about the Youth Hostels. I'm definitely going to look into that. I think staying at a hostel can help me stay within my budget. I'd really like to go to the UK if at all possible. I know there are cheaper places, but there's only one England and I've always wanted to see it. I think I'd like to spend maybe a week in London then head into the country, maybe doing a circuit to include parts of Wales and Scotland. I need to do some thinking...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
Wow, this is turning into a real education!! I checked with my uncle and yes, I can fly Chicago to Manchester and return from either London or Paris to Chicago. The ticket is free to him and he said he would cover any fees as a "graduation gift to me" (he's a pretty cool dude!), but I don't want to burden him with a heavy departure fee, so maybe Paris would be the way to go. I'd like to leave about Friday, May 9th and return 4 weeks later, June 6th. A few days later and returning a few days...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
That's helpful too, Rob. So with your guys advice, I'm thinking of the following plan, which still has holes I need to fill. I actually like the idea of Paris more than Scotland for this trip, plus I worry about the cost of travel to Scotland back so unless I can get a really cheap plane ticket or train ticket to Edinburgh, I think I'll drop that and focus on eastern UK and then on to Paris. So this is where I'm at now: 1) Arrive in Manchester. Maybe ??2 days 2) Travel Liverpool. 3 days 3)...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
Thanks for the info on Snowdonia, GarryRF. Sounds like just the place I'd like to be heading towards the end of my stay in Liverpool, to clear my head a little in nautre after all that history and culture I'll be absorbing. Trip planning is coming along fine. I think I've got most everything I squared away right now that needs doing, and need to focus on completing my last months of university and my thesis. Will post again if I have any questions before I go and will give some feedback when...

Re: Whom did you say was flying this plane?

FlashFlyer ·
Anyone remember the movie Westworld? Where nothing can go wrong...go wrong....go wrong... I'm okay with the pilot using automation, but the idea of automation REPLACING the pilot....nah... I want someone who can grab the controls and fly by the seat of his or her pants, not have the plane crash because some tiny part shorted out. Same goes for robot cars on the highway. I don't wanna get killed head-on by a car reacting to a sunspot in GPS. OTOH if you could get government on autopilot...oh,...

Re: Best Outdoor Workout Spots?

Former Member ·
What, me, break a sweat ? No no. You will find me under the umbrella at the beach, sipping mai tais. I can watch you energetic people run in the surf or chase a Frisbee from my shady vantage point.

Re: Hi Everybody! I'm new here.

Theodore Behr ·
Originally Posted by Travel Luver: Hi Ted, I think we're all pretty new here. I'm from the Pacific Northwest. Welcome to the group. I get out to LA some. My business takes me to Ventura County (Amgen). Any good tips for a place to eat out that way? I saw the link to on a different thread, so I'll check that out, but wonder if there's some place you like to go. Hi Nature Lover, Amgen is T.O., just west of the San Fernando Valley and I really never go there. But about 20 miles...

Re: The world's most expensive flights!

DrFumblefinger ·
Good observations, Garry. But as I recall Wiley Coyote kept falling off cliffs and having heavy things like boulders and anvils land on his head. I think you likely mean you're a RoadRunner!

Re: The world's most expensive flights!

GarryRF ·
Having boulders and anvils land on my head is all part of life's rich tapestry ! I fail more times than I succeed in getting an upgrade. Which makes that moment I eventually get my upgrade a "pivotal moment". You know life wasn't meant to be easy !!! That wouldn't be fun.

Re: A Complete Guide For The Visitors Planning To Visit Thailand

Happyzip ·
I went to Thailand last year and I loved the North of Thailand, like a must visit. Apart from beach islands, can not miss Chiang Mai and Pai there

Re: Visiting and Then Moving to Sunny Brisbane

GarryRF ·
Brisbane truly is an amazing city. I was there at Christmas time when the weather is really HOT. The beach is illuminated so the kids can have fun after sunset without burning their skin. The Drive Thru Bottle Shop. Santa Claus and his helpers all arrived on Harley Davidson motor bikes. Surfers Paradise and the Slots everywhere ! The Meter Maids in their Gold Bikinis rolling around on their skates adding quarters to Parking Meters about to run out. The Gold Coast is one of those places you...

Re: California road trip ideas

Former Member ·
Elephant seals are always good. If you also want to see their smaller cousins, the sea lions, you can find them at the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve. It is about 40 minutes south of San Francisco at Moss Beach. Nearby Half Moon Bay has several reasonably priced restaurants with views of the ocean. Check this nifty video of the Reserve http://www.fitzgeraldreserve.o...rald-marine-reserve/

Re: Visiting great places -- before they're gone

GarryRF ·
When I first visited Cuba back in the 90's it was a different Country to the one today. No TV's - Radio - Phones and many had no electric ! The Cuban Government asked visitors not to show the locals photos of our 3 cars - 2 houses and 14 acres of land by the beach. And how we had a Colour TV in every room. It upsets them. Not surprising really - and quite cruel ! Now its Air Con and fast catching up with the World ! The people are now free to leave and travel. They watch American Satellite...

Re: California road trip ideas

Theodore Behr ·
That helps me figure out what to tell you, Mrs. Briggs OK, so I'd suggest you fly into LAX. You'll need a car rental to get around LA. Spend three or four days here, may go see Disneyland, maybe go see Universal Studios, maybe go to Knott's Berry Farm. Maybe see the making of a TV show. You could easily spend 10 days in LA, but you've got 10 days for the whole trip, I guess, so that's all you'll have time for. Then head out of the city. You'll want to head out on Hwy 101, which takes you...

Re: California road trip ideas

Former Member ·
I wish I could remember where, but somewhere not too long before SF, there's a state park on a beach that the elephant seals are on. They are huge and they are incredibly funny when they move, but also fast, It's worth a stop for a while. And just a little further north was a state or county park with redwoods. Maybe someone here will know where I'm talking about!

Re: Paris Authentic

DrFumblefinger ·
Great post, Rbciao! Thanks for sharing this travel highlight. I now regret not doing that very same tour when I was in Paris this past May. Maybe a reason to head back again!

Re: Where's a Warm Spot for March

DrFumblefinger ·
Welcome, Gulliver, and two weeks will give you a nice break. I'm not sure where you're traveling from. Easiest and cheapest place for a warm break from North America is to head south, especially to Florida or the Caribbean, or from the West coast to Hawaii or Arizona. But the south of Europe is also quite nice this time of year. Italy, Sicily, Greece are places I'd consider going, depending on what interests you and where you've traveled before. Do any of these interest you? Are you...

Re: Agritourism Bed and Breakfast in Normandy

DrFumblefinger ·
Definitely visit the Mont St. Michel (island) after the tour buses leave. So a great time to head out to the island is mid afternoon (ie. get there by mid afternoon, don't leave Bayeux at that time). By the time you get to the old island itself the crowds will be thinning. It's a bit of a climb up to the monastery, but the views are incredible as the great history and beauty of the place. Just be sure you don't delay visiting the monastery too long (believe it closes at 6 pm but double check...

3 Alternatives To b&b Accommodation In France

Ruby Daub ·
With reliably warm weather, beautiful scenery and gastronomic delights; France is a very popular holiday destination. As parts of the country are only hours away, it is a hit with both those looking for long summer vacations or short weekends away. France offers a huge variety of holiday and accommodation options, so there is something for everyone. While hotels and B&B’s are a very popular choice, if you’re after something a little different on your holiday to France then here are three...

Top 5 island destinations to revisit in 2017

Rebecca Brown ·
Dreaming of distant oceans, white, sandy beaches, a Mojito in your hand, while a gentle breeze is just ruffling the waters lounging a few feet from your feet? Waking with the sounds of exotic beats trumpeting the air while you lie in a hammock, munch on a coconut and daydream the day away? Might be it’s high time to take a vacation. If you equate vacation with island , paradise and offline , stick with us. We know there are about seven hundred and forty one thousand articles on the best...


indianeagle ·
Tired of traversing through the same old tourist trails? Tired of the insane crowds thronging every other tourist attraction in the country? Then maybe it’s time you considered visiting some of the most offbeat yet amazing places in India. This is one of the best ways to enjoy a trip to India as frankly, even the most scenic places in the country lose their charm when massive crowds throng them. Mercifully, India is a vast land that is blessed with plenty of awesome offbeat places as well...

Are We bored of Abroad? - Why UK holidays are the Next Big Thing

Christina Woodard ·
Millions of holidaymakers are abandoning the beaches of far flung climes and sticking with a staycation in the UK - and in bigger numbers than ever before. Good news for the domestic economy, holidaying Brits are choosing to spend their hard-earned cash and home. The figures make for great reading… In the first quarter of 2016, 10% more people were holidaying in England than at the same time in 2015, a Rise of some 7.3 million holidaymakers. But why? What has changed to prompt people to stay...

Choose Wedding Shoes According to wedding occasion

lillyli ·
The occasion of the wedding is also the choice of shoes to consider factors. Now the market has a flat heel, high heel, heel heels, in the selection of wheels mainly according to personal preferences and wedding type to choose. If the wedding in winter, wear fine belt high heels will be cold, you can choose a just and ankle white boots, preferably the upper fold of the lace or small bow, so it will not feel very clumsy, and very chic, full of feminine taste. If your wedding is held on the...

Tips For A Perfect Summer season Tour

Humboldt Tours Berlin ·
Summertime’s have struck one of the most of the plain areas with the intense warm days; every passing day is getting hotter. The heat is making is harder for everybody to head out specifically in day time. Summer season breaks in the schools all across the country are almost to start, that makes it an ideal time for the family trip to go for Berlin Wall Tour . This is the time when kids are already set for a daring summertime vacation and they anticipate you to plan a trip to some hill...

The Importance Of a Summer Family Break

Ruby Daub ·
Everybody needs some time away from the daily grind. We all live busy lives at work, home and school and with the pressures of day to day life, there is often too little time to relax and communicate properly with our loved ones. Weekends are often filled with extra curricular activities and catching up with paperwork at home or chores. Holidays are necessary to get a break from the routine, from Lakeside holidays in lush countryside to beach breaks abroad but did you know just how...

Visiting and Then Moving to Sunny Brisbane

ArronHidd ·
A couple years back when I was first planning this simple vacation, I never thought it would be as life changing as it was. But life is unpredictable that way, and this story is definitely one for the grandkids. My husband and I were planning a short trip to Brisbane to get away from our 9 to 5 lives, so we booked a room in a hotel and went there for a few days. It was impossible not to fall in love with the atmosphere of the city on the very first day. My husband is a nature lover, so he...

Know Everything About Goa Travel Information

Abhishek Mathur ·
Why Goa? India is one of the countries which have always fascinated different countries. Some invade it while some ruled it. Some brought blunders to this heritage country while some others made such wonders which made their names immortal with their works. The state of Goa is part of India and is situated at the west coast of the country. The state is rich with the Portuguese’s culture, heritage and history. Goa and the Tourism Goa is listed among the best tourist destinations in India.

The Best 7 Healthy Foodie Lunches in London

John Peter ·
While there are many healthy options in the form of coffee shops and restaurants in London, few are mouthwatering. Healthy eating does not need to be boring, especially when you are paying to have it made for you! Here is a hit list of restaurants that are serving healthy food which doesn’t negate your morning workout. 1. Ottolenghi – Notting Hill, Belgravia, Islington, Spitalfields Mouthwatering Middle Eastern food My husband is Israeli and as a result, we have long been paying homage to...

8 Tips To Actually Relax On Family Vacation And More

John Peter ·
Traveling has many benefits in terms of both physical and mental health, which is an effective way to improve mood. However, the feeling of traveling alone or with friends is not the same as when you go with the family members. It will be the most precious moments to help the members closer. You are looking forward to your family holiday and you really need a vacation, but at the same time you fear the packing, children’s behavior, their potential sickness and unpacking all over again? You...

5 Top Destinations to Check Out When Visiting Sydney

Candice Larson ·
Sydney is the oldest and biggest city of Australia. It lies in between the intermingling of land and sea. In 1788, commander of the First Fleet Captain Arthur Phillip established the first British colony in Sydney Cove of Australia. Tourists can no visit Sydney's fabled history in the narrow cobbled laneways and historic buildings surrounding the area. After booking your flight and choosing the best hotel such as Four Seasons and Holiday Inn accommodation , it is time to explore the various...

How to have fun in Thassos, Greece

Ovidiu ·
I'm not so good to express myself in words so I will show you how to have fun and what are the main tourist attractions from Thassos Greece. My name is Ovidiu and this is my instagram They say a picture is worth 1000 words. Below picture was taken at Paradise Beach (nudism can be done here). Acropolis Limenas Thassos Grecia. Tarsanas beach Thassos Town. Thasos port Limenas. I was staying in Macedon Hotel in Limenas. All pictures are made by me, I use...

What Are Best Things To Do In Brisbane?

Riverlife Brisbane ·
Brisbane is one of the most vibrant, modern, and sunny cities with unsurpassed beauty and sub-tropical climate. You can always discover some friendly locals who will gladly show you this pretty riverside city. There are so many fun things to do in Brisbane that will give you eternally memorable moments for a lifetime. Here are the things you can include in your list: 1. Abseil Down And Brisbane’s Story Bridge: Climb Brisbane’s Story Bridge is one of the most iconic wonders of this city.

10 reasons why you should visit Bali

aristotle ·
A blessed land of tropical paradise where there are so many trails for you to choose from. The heart of Indonesian culture, vibrant people, stunning landscapes and breathtaking beaches. Name it, I'm sure bali has it all. Wanna go trekking? Check, Wanna engage in some thrilling adventures or water sports? Check. You can do so many things here, partying till the sun comes up is just a part of it all. With so many cultural checkpoints and monuments, you will be fascinated to know more about...

Your Dog-Friendly Guide to Santa Barbara

Jhon Issac ·
I recently got a puppy shortly after my graduation. Living alone without having anyone to give my endless love was starting to bother me. Plus, as far as the word goes- A dog is a man's best friend, it's very true. So I got myself some time off from work and decided to travel to Santa Barbara. But I was in a real pinch. I have a four-legged friend who needs constant attention and care. I didn't have anyone to leave him behind with, and I personally didn't want to. So I decided to embark on...

Unmissable Sights in Budapest

NikOl-Bp ·
We often travel to other countries, other cities, but not always for sightseeing. Conference, meeting, maybe for some service. These trips sometimes takes several days, but we can also decide to connect the pleasant to the useful and look around the city. Here is a brief introduction for those, whose destination is Budapest. What is a must see, from the Hungarian capital. I recommend this article, which contains more than 100 sights, for those who want to spend more days in Budapest, or want...

Planning Your Next Trip to SoCal

pitter beraton ·
A singer/songwriter named Bethany Cosentino, the vocalist half of the duo Best Coast, writes in a song called The Only Place: “Why would you live anywhere else / We’ve got the ocean, got the babes / Got the sun, we’ve got the waves / This is the only place for me.” It’s a catchy song, and she echoes the sentiments of the Beach Boys and many other musicians and writers who sang and wrote about The Golden State. While your reasons for why you’d actually live anywhere else might vary, we would...

How to Get the Most Bang From Your Travel Cash

ForeignXchange ·
Traveling is hard work! Yes, I’m serious about travelling it really is a lot of work, for starters you need to find flights and accommodation that fit your budget, next you have to think about visas, transport and this is only the tip of the ice-burg. As you can see just creating a checklist for your holiday can take up some valuable time! So how does one go about getting the best rates for their travel currency given the short time frame of going from booking flights to sipping cocktails on...

Adventurous places to visit in India

Kerry ·
Life itself is a fun-filled adventure where we come across alternate twists and turns. Travelling is the best activity that helps us to find quick relief from our hectic schedules. India being blessed with an extensive land diversity, planning an adventurous trip here is something you should never miss on. Indian adventurous locations are characterized by high peaks, fascinating rivers, arduous mountain ranges, exotic wildlife. So, if you are ready to ditch in the boredom of your 9 to 5...

Where's a Warm Spot for March

Former Member ·
I'm set for two weeks off next March before starting a new job...and I'd like to take in some Europe, but not where it's still too cold. I don't need a beach or anything...just somewhere that I can count on not needing a winter coat. Suggestions? Kill...

Most Popular River Cruises in India

Sunil Kumar ·
A river cruise provides an escape from the constant commotion surrounding our everyday lives. As you sail along the river at a leisurely pace, with lovely sights greeting your eyes, you realize there is much to appreciate in this unhurried journey. India, with its impressive inland waterways, provides wonderful opportunities for river cruising. From the backwaters of Kerala to the might waters of Brahmaputra, every cruise gifts you with a memory to be cherished or a moment to be valued.

Experience bliss at these nature-blessed destinations in Kerala

Rekha Bisht ·
Kerala is titled ‘God’s Own Country’ and that is not without reason. Blessed by nature in every form, it is truly one of the known paradise on Earth. Imagine lush greenery, endless blues, golden beaches, roaring waterfalls, navigable network of waters, wildlife inhabited jungles and bliss of every kind. When the Gods themselves have favoured this land, then it is not quite easy to make a list of the most beautiful places in Kerala, as every corner of the state is blessed in its own way. Here...

Historical temples of Rajasthan that bless you with the spiritual ecstasy

Rekha Bisht ·
Rajasthan has a special place in the history of India. Splendid forts, royal palaces, Rajputana legends, and even the temples in Rajasthan lure the history lovers to the royal state. The historical temples in Rajasthan deserve a special mention when planning a holiday in India. The masterpieces of extravagant architecture and many legends of mythology are certainly interesting to explore. Blessed with healing powers to divine aura, historical tells to legends, take a tour to best temples.

5 Most Visited Indian Destinations by Foreigners

Trainman ·
India, the name itself, translates power into one’s system. With its incredible mix of cultures, the country has been attracting a huge number of travellers and tourists from around the world. From the massive stretches of golden sand, the snow-clad mountains to the serene water bodies and the lively streets, India is a land of wonders. Every year, foreigners come to get mesmerized by its picturesque natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. And, there are several places in India that just...

Easter Holidays Ideas: Uncover French Riviera with a Luxury Yacht Charter

Pratima ·
One of the best ideas to spend the Easter holidays that is a time of joy is to spend it visualizing the natural beauty of French Riviera in your own charter luxury yacht. Having a yacht to oneself is a dream for most of the people. It is not necessary that you buy one in order to have it for yourself during a vacation. There are charter yachts that are available to people who can pay and use these wonderful yachts for a specified period of time. They can have a great weekend or a prolonged...

Popular Destinations for Water Sports Activities in India

Sunil Vishwakarma ·
Blessed with waters of three oceans- Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean, India is one of the best places for watersports in the world. Ready to explore the turquoise blues, the interesting diving spots and the colorful marine life? So, without much ado, here are some of the popular destinations where you can enjoy exciting water sports activities in India . Andaman Island Leaving behind all other destinations, Andaman leads the list. This Island archipelago is so much popular...

Indulge In The Beauty Of Kenya With These Must-Visit Places

Ruby Daub ·
Kenya is known to be one of the most attractive tourist spots of this planet. Its beautiful landscapes, huge varieties of animals and extremely humble and welcoming folks make this place absolutely amazing. Treat yourself to an exciting African experience as there are so many places to explore in Kenya. Its rich history and culture, natural beauty and rural ambience are totally incredible. Kenya is considered to be a heaven for the tourists who want to be closer to mother earth for a while.

Important Winter Camping Trips

Ruby Daub ·
Camping in winter feels like freezing in the chilled atmosphere, and therefore, many people prefer camping in summers. But, if you think otherwise, you can enjoy the real beauty of nature in winter. Trees have shed their leaves, rivers and lakes are frozen and it looks just beautiful outside if you see the scenery. Winters offer a completely different landscape, which adds to the beauty of the surrounding. Even when it snows, winter can be fully enjoyed outdoors. You can find lots of people...

Croatia -- Among the best Vacation Locations for that Trendy!

leroy dixon ·
A high profile or perhaps a famous individual putting on a specific type of clothing or even add-ons in addition to carrying out a particular gown signal gets style. Each kids like to end up being trendy as well as therefore adhere to the actual pattern arranged through a common celebrity. Nicely, who nothing like becoming when compared with a good acting professional or even celebrity when it comes to their own excellent outfitting feeling? This particular demonstrates which becoming trendy...

5 Things You Must Try While In Barcelona

Kaitlyn Angles ·
It's absolutely easy to fall in love with Barcelona after seeing its incredibly beautiful sun-kissed beaches, unforgettable hospitality, and incomparable culture. Barcelona is the city that attracts all kind of tourists. The city has different kind of wines that one can enjoy on a wet beach while enjoying sunsets and sunrises, they have some lost lanes that cane be explored, and masterpiece paintings that can be seen. In this city, you can find the Roman ruins, some modern homes, extremely...

Why you should go Sailing With Kids

Tanya ·
Sailing has everything you want in a vacation in a single convenient package. There is so much you can do on a boat. But, every sailing vacation is always different. You can sail a yacht, relax on a beach, fish or explore an island. It also provides a good bonding platform with your family members. And sailing with your kids is one of the best things you can ever do. It provides treasured memories that they will forever cherish. You not only get a chance of repairing burned bridges, but you...