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Tagged With "Heart-Burn"

Blog Post

Hawaii State Capitol Building – The Aloha State

Samantha ·
On their quest to visit all 50 state capitol buildings, Samantha and her husband feel a spirit of 'aloha' in Honolulu.
Blog Post

May 3, 2019: Hethpool Linn, Northumberland

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook shares photos of a Northumberland River filled with the spring's meltwater.

Is It Illegal to Dump Grey Water on the Ground?

David James ·
If you’ve ever taken a family trip using the RV, or traveled on a sailboat, you’re probably somewhat familiar with what grey water is and understand that it should be deposited in a chemically safe manner. But for those of you who don’t know: simply put, grey water is water that has been used, whether in a bath, sink, washing machine, or a kitchen appliance. Besides being a bit gross, grey water poses a potential health hazard because it can eventually turn into black water, which is an...
Blog Post

Galesnjak: the World's Most Heart-shaped Island

Demes ·
Sitting off the coast of Croatia is a lovely heart-shaped island that has become a symbol of romance and a draw for couples.

Re: Galesnjak: the World's Most Heart-shaped Island

PortMoresby ·
I nominate Galesnjak as the world's exclusive location for "love locks".
Blog Post

Around Downtown Fairbanks

DrFumblefinger ·
Drfumblefinger rambles around downtown Fairbanks.
Blog Post

Cataldo Mission, Old Mission State Park, Idaho

DrFumblefinger ·
Gumbo was visiting the Mission of the Sacred Heart, situated on the banks of the Couer d'Alene River in Northern Idaho. It is the oldest standing building in Idaho state.

Re: Hiking the Blackcomb Ascent Trail, British Columbia

Marilyn Jones ·
What an experience. It's all so beautiful. Thank you for this article and the wonderful photos!
Blog Post

Hiking the Blackcomb Ascent Trail, British Columbia

Lestertheinvestor ·
Lester takes us along on a strenuous mountain hike with great view, along trails labeled Little Burn, Big Burn and Heart Burn