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Tagged With "manaslu circuit 10 days trek"


Re: November 24, 2016: Enger Tower, Duluth, Minnesota

Ottoman ·
Hi Garry I never thought of counting the number of steps to the top of Enger Tower for I was too preoccupied with the beautiful scenery; However, thanks to your question I did some internet investigating and discovered that apparently there are 105 steps you must walk to get to the top of Enger Tower (therefore 210 steps in total to get up and down the tower). You really don't need to be an Olympian to get to the top of Enger Tower. Although the number of steps sounds like a lot, and the...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#287)

DrFumblefinger ·
Here are a photo clues that provide a different perspective of our destination of interest.

Re: Autumn: A season for soup

PortMoresby ·
Soup, my favorite! Here are 2 more, a preview from next week's Oaxaca blog (Wednesday, 10/28), 'Food'.

Re: Escape from Disney: Tiber-Butler Preserve

George G. ·
I'm with you. Disney World fractured my nerves after the first 10 minutes and my wife and I could have used a far more tranquil setting like the Nature Preserve.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#188)

Paul Heymont ·
And here we go with the final clues for this week, outdoors again, and with as big a hint as I can give...and it has a very interesting connection to the history of this week's puzzle place. One correct answer is in...can we get more?

Re: Sept. 10, 2016: Farewell to an era?

Paul Heymont ·
Yes, but far more than 1 in 10 million worked there to serve that lifestyle! As with the plantation houses, we're often shown the homes of the rich and powerful as though the servants either didn't exist...or were no more than appliances! To be honest, one of the best parts of the Downton series, for me, was the depth with which they were portrayed, and the way in which new realities developed as the servants began to imagine independent futures.

Re: JFK to get $13 billion transformation

GarryRF ·
If it were possible to enforce staff to smile and try and help people. Change from $10 and a feelgood factor too. Better than the current Dantes Inferno - "Give up hope all you who enter"

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #11

PortMoresby ·
My first response to the picture was that it's the "C"-word location in Rome near my "Frutta Fresca" Pic of the Day noted 10 days ago. That would be the most obvious, hence, likely not it. Maybe the one in Verona.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #11

GarryRF ·
Chester is a Walled City. It has 3 miles of Battlements enclosing the Centre. The Roman Amphitheatre is just outside the City Gates. The seating was wooden. It has no raised sections like other Roman Amphitheatres. You can see the remains of this 2000 year old settlement and walk the circuit on the original walls of Chester. Tudor Buildings

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #11

Paul Heymont ·
Well, here it is Friday night, and I see everyone gathered around to see what's in the Gumbo (e)mailbag and here...because indeed, the mystery has again been solved. Gumbo was in the Roman Arena at Arles, deep in the heart of Roman France. First to point at the site (but not to actually claim it) was Port Moresby, who contributed a picture of it at 1 pm on Wednesday while others were pointing out other Roman arenas. PM was followed by TravelandNature at 11 pm that night—you'll have noted...

Re: See Them While You Can: 10 Wins for Historic Preservation

Paul Heymont ·
PM (and anyone else I misled)...I went back and found the link that said "Around the World" on their page was actually another link to the same domestic 10. I've edited the reference out of the clip above. Too bad...I was looking forward to reading it...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, April 5, 2014: Brocante

Paul Heymont ·
I, too, have a fondness for the 2CV, along with the MG T series. I used to hear the story that you could go into a hardware store in France, and come back with parts, a wrench to install them, and change from a 10-franc note... RBCiao, a Gumbo member, has even found a service in Paris that gives tours of the city in a Deux Cheveaux! He posted a picture of himself on the tour a few months ago.

Re: Should Wi-Fi be free in all hotels?

Paul Heymont ·
Technically, it would be possible to create very large WiFi zones, whether free or paid. But since someone gets paid (either on the meter, or a fee for the project) and there is a cost to constructing/installing the equipment to broadcast that won't happen unless someone is paying. In the case of the hotel, picking up on rbciao's point about breakfast--have you noticed that the free WiFi and the free breakfast tend to come with the budget chains, while the high-end places charge...

Re: Should Wi-Fi be free in all hotels?

DrFumblefinger ·
Good discussion! WiFi has for me become an indispensable part of traveling. It allows me to stay in touch with family easily and cheaply (remember how hard it was even 25 years ago -- a phone call could run you $5 a minute? And there was no email). It lets me spend evening hours clearing out a hefty email que, and doing research on what I am going to see tomorrow and the next day. And with "Gumbo on the Go", it lets me share my travels as they happen with fellow Gumboites! I echo PHeymont's...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #8.5

WorkerBee ·
What a beautiful church Gumbo has found! WITW? The clues: 18th century Spanish colonial architecture, typical of Franciscan missions; Banner in English; Materials are not typical of Florida or Texas missions; Various effigies of animals and unreal creatures, often incorporated by the Franciscans into their liturgy in order to convert American Indians. Typical of US southwestern states; Not one of the remaining California missions; Not in Santa Fe; Checked missions in Arizona. Found (as did...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 2, 2014

GarryRF ·
After being married for 40 years, I took a careful look at my wife one day and said, "Forty years ago we had a cheap house, a junk car, slept on a sofa bed and watched a 10-inch black and white TV, but I got to sleep with a hot 20-year-old girl every night. Now, I have a £500,000 home, a £45,000 car, a nice big bed and a large screen TV, but I'm sleeping with a 60-year-old woman. It seems to me that you're not holding up your side of things." My wife is a very reasonable woman. She told me...

Re: Newgrange; Ireland’s ancient Passage Tomb

GarryRF ·
Walking the "Walls" that enclose the City - maybe 3 miles around - is a local ritual ! At frequent intervals there are Pubs to stop at. The idea being that you stop at each one , have a drink and proceed to the next. Its only the hardened drinkers who complete the circuit. A friend from Anna Maria Island, Florida sent his daughter to stay with us for a while. Same age as my daughter and they got along like a house on fire ! So when we arrived in Chester I told her our day was walking around...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
Wow! This has been very helpful, especially the tip about the Youth Hostels. I'm definitely going to look into that. I think staying at a hostel can help me stay within my budget. I'd really like to go to the UK if at all possible. I know there are cheaper places, but there's only one England and I've always wanted to see it. I think I'd like to spend maybe a week in London then head into the country, maybe doing a circuit to include parts of Wales and Scotland. I need to do some thinking...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Getting around the UK is very easy using Public Transport. Students travel around the country all the time - going to Uni and back home for the weekend. Friends going to weddings and folks going to London. London - like big Cities in the US - is a Traffic Nightmare ! Fortunately the UK is about the same size as a US State. Maybe Florida ? So its only a few hours by road. Trains are much faster - but more expensive, You're choice. So... look at They're...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
That's helpful too, Rob. So with your guys advice, I'm thinking of the following plan, which still has holes I need to fill. I actually like the idea of Paris more than Scotland for this trip, plus I worry about the cost of travel to Scotland back so unless I can get a really cheap plane ticket or train ticket to Edinburgh, I think I'll drop that and focus on eastern UK and then on to Paris. So this is where I'm at now: 1) Arrive in Manchester. Maybe ??2 days 2) Travel Liverpool. 3 days 3)...

Re: Safe to fly on New Years?

Former Member ·
It is probably quite the opposite. Those numbers may well be the best of good luck. Consider the luck of this couple, married 9/10/11, with a new baby born 11/12/13.

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
England is only as big as Florida ! I haven't seen a Guide book that sub-divides us! Wales is full of Castles, Mountains and Lakes. Tourists often divide England between the North and South. The North is often cooler and wetter than further South. But your Dollar will go twice as far up here in the North! And we're much friendlier. Have a look at places you'd like to visit. York (the old one) will keep you busy for 2 days. Train or Bus from Liverpool. Or a day or two in Europe from Liverpool...

Re: Happy Thanksgiving, from all of us at TravelGumbo!

DrFumblefinger ·
GarryRF, You must try the King (Elvis Presley's) favorite sandwich. Peanut butter and banana, fried in butter. Forget about the cholesterol -- give it a go. It's much better than it sounds! Part of the joy of traveling is trying the food. Like "pudding" with your full Irish breakfast (don't ask if you don't know). I remember driving through rural southern Australia and seeing the following sign at a restaurant: "Bugs, $10". I don't know about you but I wouldn't pay anything for a plate of...

Re: Minneapolis in the winter

Former Member ·
The Mall's more interesting than you might think - besides the shopping there are the restaurants, amusement venues, and events going on. Here some info about stuff to see at the Mall To get to the Mall of America you Take Metro Transit (easy and clean) From Minneapolis Hiawatha Light Rail (Route 55) - The Hiawatha light-rail line offers fast, frequent service from downtown (5th Street) to Mall of America. Hiawatha light-rail trains leave every 7.5...

Re: Airbus Survey: 41% Willing to Pay for More Space

DrFumblefinger ·
Good for Airbus! It seems the airline industry may have reached a tipping point where people will pay a little more for a little comfort. I hope that's the case and that they listen and provide options. I always look for a good airfare, but I also look at what kind of comfort that airfare buys me and am willing to pay a little more for a little more. 8-12 hours on a plane is not great fun, although I can divert my attention usually. But it's made infinitely more pleasant by a few extra...

Re: Do you Like these Hotel Tipping Tips ?

DrFumblefinger ·
I find that typical of Europeans, Garry. And it makes sense as in Europe most restaurants include an automatic service charge of about 10%. That is not the case in the USA or Canada (with the exception of large parties of 8 or more in some cases). Most waitresses don't earn anything except minimum wage plus tips, so I do tend to tip some for all but the absolute worst of service. But certainly EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE makes me feel very generous, as it does you.

Re: The Devil's Millhopper is in Tim Tebow Country

Travel Rob ·
In the brochure it says geologists aren't sure, but it probably started forming 10-15 thousand years ago.I also noticed it was warm in the sinkhole on a pretty chilly day, so that's why the existence of plants that are not normally in this area.

Re: Best Outdoor Workout Spots?

DrFumblefinger ·
I love walking in the mountains! Almost anywhere will do, but the Canadian Rockies in the summer are my favorite place. A 10-15 mile hike is a good workout and lets you enjoy some spectacular scenery, including lots of flora and fauna.

Re: Portugal's 'Golden Visa' Gaining Traction

Paul Heymont ·
The U.S. has a somewhat similar program. If you are prepared to invest $1,000,000 in a U.S. business that will create 10 jobs ($500,000 if it's in a rural or high unemployment area) you and your immediate family are eligible for immediate green cards for permanent residence. Oh, is limited to the first 10,000 millionaires each year. The program is the EB-5 visa. If you've got the million, or just the curiosity, click HERE .

Re: Hi Everybody! I'm new here.

Former Member ·
Hi, Ted... Me and my family like to do road trips...we're planning one now from Atlanta to Denver...but we've never gone to California that way...too far. So if we wanted to fly somewhere in California and have a 10-day or so road trip with a few days stop at the end, where should we start and what should we see?

Re: Another Blowout Price$487rt- LA- Copenhagen

Travel Rob ·
If you're in LA going to Europe,now's the time to buy $479.50 rt end of April-Early May. MY TRAVEL SELECTIONS Outbound Los Angeles - Copenhagen Tuesday 29. Apr 2014 7:30 PM - Terminal: B Flight DY7092 - LowFare Operated by Norwegian Long Haul 1 Adult $236.70 Return Copenhagen - Los Angeles Tuesday 6. May 2014 3:10 PM - Terminal: 2 Flight DY7091 - LowFare Operated by Norwegian Long Haul 1 Adult $242.80 Total price incl. all taxes and surcharges $479.50

Re: AAA Premier a Good Idea for Budget Travelers

DrFumblefinger ·
I've use the towing service several times over the years, as well as their locksmith service. Excellent service always. And I actually use a ton of their travel books and maps when planning my domestic trips (USA and Canada). Yes, you can check them out but this way you can mark them up and cut out what you need. In Canada, a AAA (CAA) offers a 10% discount on a national parks pass (annual), and their travel agents can help you plan out a road trip with great advice -- all for free if you...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#311)

Paul Heymont ·
Here are the final clues!

Re: Take a Walk on the Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge, Vancouver

TravelingCanuck ·
Great blog and pictures. Glad you enjoyed your visit. We took our kids there about 10 years ago on a visit to Vancouver. It is a beautiful place to visit. Thanks.

Re: Welcome to The Golden State.

PortMoresby ·
Later today, after I'd posted this photo, I was watching the local 6:00 news, Sacramento. A fire had started in Lincoln, NE of Sacramento, a yard full of trucks engulfed and spreading into grass, moving toward a subdivision. A spotter plane left the Grass Valley Base, flew over my house and I looked to see what it was. About 10 minutes later the news helicopter showed it arriving low over the fire to inspect it. I went out again to watch the next plane, a retardant tanker, possibly the one...

Re: Air Miles vs Low Fare Airline

PortMoresby ·
The website states the limits for a carry-on bag are (approximately, stated in cm) 21 x 16 x 9 inches, and 10 kilos/22 pounds. Plus a "small" item that fits comfortably under the seat. Were your bags within these guidelines, Rob?

Re: Air Miles vs Low Fare Airline

PortMoresby ·
I've checked my bag for years but it sounds like in this case it'd be worthwhile to pack light and carry it on. My usual, without trying, is about 13 kilos, so 10 isn't a huge stretch. Sounding like an interesting possibility.

Re: Air Miles vs Low Fare Airline

PortMoresby ·
I can live indefinitely with 2 sets of clothes, 1 to wear & 1 to wash, 1 extra pair of shoes, all in a day pack. I wouldn't necessarily WANT to do it, but I could, rather than stop flying if, say, the airlines reduced baggage limits to 10 pounds altogether. It's the same old story, I figure, if for any reason, you can't or won't travel (time, money, fed up, whatever), you just don't want to enough. One excuse is as good as another. Good to hear about Norwegian. I repeated the exercise...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#259)

DrFumblefinger ·
Here are the final clues for this week's travel puzzle. The reveal will be posted on Monday. Look over everything and I think you'll come up with the answer!

Re: With no Emirates order, A380 production may end

Paul Heymont ·
UPDATE: Emirates saves the day for Airbus , January 18 Emirates Airlines has saved the day for Airbus, with an order for 20 more A380s, and an option for 16 more, extending the production life of the huge plane. Airbus says that it will now be able to keep the line going for 10 years, and hopes that in that time the plane will generate more orders. List price for the plane approaches $500,000,000, but since large orders usually get sizable discounts and since Airbus really, really needed...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#255)

DrFumblefinger ·
Here are the final clues for this week's travel puzzle. Reveal will be posted Monday.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 7th, 2014: Bees

Still Country Photo ·
Sure PortMoresby, the two cameras I use are a Pentax K10D dSLR with a Pentax DA 55-300 mm f4-5.8 lens and the other is a Panasonic Lumix TS2. The Lumix takes macro pictures like nothing else I have used, I am learning to get better at taking macro with my K10D but am still not as good yet as I am with the Lumix. DrF, the honey bee (the one with no hair) was taken in the lovely flower gardens at Lake Louise, Alberta and the bumble bees were taken on a trip to the Bowden Corn and Sunflower...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo (#38)

GarryRF ·
Trying to find an exact match is proving difficult Paul. Could this photo be 10 years old or more ?

Re: Is it time to regulate airplane seats? Chris Elliott thinks so!

GarryRF ·
This debate seems to accept that the profit margins of Trans-Atlantic Flights are squeezed by costs outside the carriers control. The only solution they have is squeeze more seats in to control income. Last month I paid £759 ($1245) for 1 seat UK to Philadelphia - Return - with an American Airline. 7 hours in the sky. Each way. My £759 will also get me a flight to the Caribbean from the UK. 10 hours in the sky. 14 nights in a hotel. Food and drink included. And flight back. The Caribbean...

Re: Shhh! Your suitcase is disturbing my sleep!

DrFumblefinger ·
It seems so sureal an idea that it has to be true! A city that has no roads, making the only way to get to most places by walking signifcant distances down narrow lanes, wants to discourage its lifeblood, tourists. "K, granny, you can carry that 50 lb bag for 10 minutes, or pay a 500 Euro fine, or we head down to Florence. What will it be?"

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Aug 21st, 2014:The Cigar Man

Travel Rob ·
GarryRF, I could only think of the Visa Credit Card ads when I saw this great piece about Hector! Cost of one of the worlds finest cigars ,$10 . Experience of spending time with Hector, Priceless. My guess is , it's cash only in Hector's case.

Re: Gumbo’s Pic of the Day, August 22, 2014: Postcards from Greece - The Donkeys

PortMoresby ·
When I stayed on Santorini 10 years ago, on a walk around Oia, I saw the donkeys used to collect trash. I sincerely wish they'd adopt the practice where I live. I'd so much rather wake to the sound of hooves than the crash and roar of garbage trucks.

Re: World's cutest 10 month old twins? Riley and Brooklyn, my grand-nieces.

Travel Rob ·
No question about it. They are the cutest 10 month old twins in the world!

Re: Photography at the Edges, New York & San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
Speaking again of black&white, the monthly events newsletter from Mrs. Dalloway's Literary & Garden Arts store in Berkeley just arrived. Down at the very bottom was this intiguing notice which I mean to check out in person in 11 days. Mrs. Dalloways is at 2904 College Avenue in Berkeley. "The Watchmaker Series." Beautiful black and white silver gelatin prints on archival quality paper. Ready for 8 x 10 frame. $65. When Craig was asked to fix a case that contained a...

Re: London- multiple questions

Paul Heymont ·
I can only help with one of the questions...but GarryRF, one of the TG Gurus, lives in Liverpool and can certainly help with that part. For Stonehenge without a car, there are really two main options. There are a number of tour operators who run coach tours from London to the site; or you can take a train from London to Salisbury and take a bus from the station to the Stonehenge visitor center. The visitor center is new since I was there; it's about 10 minutes by shuttle from the stones...