Money Saving Tips, for your Big Trip – Part 3
Samantha wraps up her series on how to have the money to travel by saving it up ahead.
Samantha wraps up her series on how to have the money to travel by saving it up ahead.
It’s almost enough to make you forget JetBlue’s upcoming bag fees. Passengers will continue to enjoy the lower-end (Simply Surf) tier of JetBlue’s Fly-Fi product, courtesy of Amazon, and Amazon Prime members will be able to use the service to access…
Samantha wraps up her series on how to have the money to travel by saving it up ahead.
It’s almost enough to make you forget JetBlue’s upcoming bag fees. Passengers will continue to enjoy the lower-end (Simply Surf) tier of JetBlue’s Fly-Fi product, courtesy of Amazon, and Amazon Prime members will be able to use the service to access…