
Manchester City Will Surprise You

Manchester Town Square Manchester, England is a not what many travelers expect and is a wonderful surprise. While well known as an Industrial city, it’s a city where many international visitors expect boorish drunks and soccer hooligans from all the from all the false stereotypes going around.

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Where Gumbo Was #14: A Sewer Journey

As several Gumbo Guessers quickly realized, Gumbo was visiting the Lower Depths, the sine qua non of modern society, the sewer system. This particular sewer is in Paris, and it runs through the Museum des Egouts—yes, the Sewer Museum.

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Manchester City Will Surprise You

Manchester Town Square Manchester, England is a not what many travelers expect and is a wonderful surprise. While well known as an Industrial city, it’s a city where many international visitors expect boorish drunks and soccer hooligans from all the from all the false stereotypes going around.

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Where Gumbo Was #14: A Sewer Journey

As several Gumbo Guessers quickly realized, Gumbo was visiting the Lower Depths, the sine qua non of modern society, the sewer system. This particular sewer is in Paris, and it runs through the Museum des Egouts—yes, the Sewer Museum.

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