More Life at the Edge: What’s in a Name?
June 1, 2014 After a conversation this morning with my overnight guests over coffee and toast, in which we talked…
June 1, 2014 After a conversation this morning with my overnight guests over coffee and toast, in which we talked…
I made this image of a man sleeping next to a side entrance of the National Assembly on my first trip to Paris, as a 16-year-old in 1960.
Gumbo’s Picture of the Day for April 13th, above, is an image I made nearly 55 years ago, on my first trip to Paris: a man sleeping on the ground at a side entrance to the National Assembly building.
PortMoresby, an inveterate traveler, takes the time to wonder why
April 1, 2014 I watch a lot of movies and, while I pay some attention to ratings and reviews, I can like them for any number of reasons, not necessarily related to the usual criteria. There are actors who I’ll happily…
March 28, 2014 Like any kid, Gumbo is growing up. And when kids grow up, if they have any gumption and imagination at all, they become unpredictable. That, I believe, is the purpose of this new feature, to show that…
June 1, 2014 After a conversation this morning with my overnight guests over coffee and toast, in which we talked…
I made this image of a man sleeping next to a side entrance of the National Assembly on my first trip to Paris, as a 16-year-old in 1960.
Gumbo’s Picture of the Day for April 13th, above, is an image I made nearly 55 years ago, on my first trip to Paris: a man sleeping on the ground at a side entrance to the National Assembly building.
PortMoresby, an inveterate traveler, takes the time to wonder why
April 1, 2014 I watch a lot of movies and, while I pay some attention to ratings and reviews, I can like them for any number of reasons, not necessarily related to the usual criteria. There are actors who I’ll happily…
March 28, 2014 Like any kid, Gumbo is growing up. And when kids grow up, if they have any gumption and imagination at all, they become unpredictable. That, I believe, is the purpose of this new feature, to show that…