
Gumbo’s World: The Exiled Statues of Budapest

This is, in a way, an essay on memory. Ever since ancient history, the winning side of history has erected monuments to itself, hoping to inspire greater love, respect or at least obedience. And, over time, newer rulers often change the script.  …

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Budapest’s Great Synagogue

Commonly called the Dohanyi Street Synagogue, Budapest’s biggest Jewish house of worship is also the largest synagogue in Europe, and one of the half-dozen largest in the world. But its significance goes well beyond its seating capacity (1500 men at…

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Heroes Square, Budapest: Where Gumbo Was (#48)

  Lynn Millar and MAD Travel Diaries both identified where Gumbo was: Heroes’ Square, or Hosok tere, in Budapest. This giant square has served many kinds of memories and movements, beginning with its construction beginning in 1896 as a…

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A Bridge to Everywhere

Every place we travel has its landmarks, and for nearly every city on a significant river, at least some of those landmarks turn out to be bridges.  

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Where Gumbo Was #14: A Sewer Journey

As several Gumbo Guessers quickly realized, Gumbo was visiting the Lower Depths, the sine qua non of modern society, the sewer system. This particular sewer is in Paris, and it runs through the Museum des Egouts—yes, the Sewer Museum.

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The “Eiffel Tour” Only Starts with the Tour Eiffel

Everyone knows the Eiffel Tower, or Tour Eiffel. You could probably draw a pretty accurate sketch without even looking. And quite a few folks know that that Gustave Eiffel, who designed and built it, also provided the iron skeleton that keeps the Statue of Liberty standing in New York Harbor.

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Gumbo’s World: The Exiled Statues of Budapest

This is, in a way, an essay on memory. Ever since ancient history, the winning side of history has erected monuments to itself, hoping to inspire greater love, respect or at least obedience. And, over time, newer rulers often change the script.  …

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Budapest’s Great Synagogue

Commonly called the Dohanyi Street Synagogue, Budapest’s biggest Jewish house of worship is also the largest synagogue in Europe, and one of the half-dozen largest in the world. But its significance goes well beyond its seating capacity (1500 men at…

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Heroes Square, Budapest: Where Gumbo Was (#48)

  Lynn Millar and MAD Travel Diaries both identified where Gumbo was: Heroes’ Square, or Hosok tere, in Budapest. This giant square has served many kinds of memories and movements, beginning with its construction beginning in 1896 as a…

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A Bridge to Everywhere

Every place we travel has its landmarks, and for nearly every city on a significant river, at least some of those landmarks turn out to be bridges.  

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Where Gumbo Was #14: A Sewer Journey

As several Gumbo Guessers quickly realized, Gumbo was visiting the Lower Depths, the sine qua non of modern society, the sewer system. This particular sewer is in Paris, and it runs through the Museum des Egouts—yes, the Sewer Museum.

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The “Eiffel Tour” Only Starts with the Tour Eiffel

Everyone knows the Eiffel Tower, or Tour Eiffel. You could probably draw a pretty accurate sketch without even looking. And quite a few folks know that that Gustave Eiffel, who designed and built it, also provided the iron skeleton that keeps the Statue of Liberty standing in New York Harbor.

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