Mary Norris

A Book Review for Writers

As I was putting the finishing touches on my last post, ’50 Years Later, Paris’ I’d just begun reading a book that sounded intriguing somehow, ‘Between You & Me, Confessions of a Comma Queen’ , by Mary Norris, a copy editor for The New Yorker magazine. I was attracted to it because commas have always been a mystery to me, not helped by the fact that a friend, Bill Moore, a poet and poetry journal publisher, commented once on the dearth of commas in my writing. He said I needed more and…

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A Book Review for Writers

As I was putting the finishing touches on my last post, ’50 Years Later, Paris’ I’d just begun reading a book that sounded intriguing somehow, ‘Between You & Me, Confessions of a Comma Queen’ , by Mary Norris, a copy editor for The New Yorker magazine. I was attracted to it because commas have always been a mystery to me, not helped by the fact that a friend, Bill Moore, a poet and poetry journal publisher, commented once on the dearth of commas in my writing. He said I needed more and…

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