A Memorable Visit to the Madonna Inn, San Luis Obispo
DrFumblefinger revisits the Madonna Inn, a fancy and imaginative hotel/restaurant complex located in San Luis Obispo in Central California.
DrFumblefinger revisits the Madonna Inn, a fancy and imaginative hotel/restaurant complex located in San Luis Obispo in Central California.
A roadfood.com recommended stop in the Central California coastal city of San Luis Obispo, High Street Market and Deli makes a memorable sandwich.
A rural scene near the Central California coast, with sunrise on an overcast morning.
DrFumblefinger revisits the Madonna Inn, a fancy and imaginative hotel/restaurant complex located in San Luis Obispo in Central California.
A roadfood.com recommended stop in the Central California coastal city of San Luis Obispo, High Street Market and Deli makes a memorable sandwich.
A rural scene near the Central California coast, with sunrise on an overcast morning.