Dear fellow Travel Gumbo'ists, after a very long period of medically enforced "no travel", we can finally see a date after which we can finally travel again. This will be around the 12th October 2015 and the prospect of being able to see the famed colours of the fall leaves around the Boston area is a highly attractive lure. But we know nothing of the area but only that it is likely to be busy and crowded at that time - so "Please help"!!
Could any kind learned Gumbo'ist suggest a sensible timing and route to follow? Does the fall last the whole of October? Does it progress from north to south? Also would you have thoughts regarding hotels and motels - and to what extent 'must' we book accommodation ahead, or can we expect to be able to 'wing it' and just turn up and find somewhere to stay?
We would plan to rent a car (any suggestions also welcomed!) and drive the route at a leisurely pace allowing for lots of photography .
Any thoughts would be most welcome and appreciated. .