World’s scariest hiking trail?

Take a look at some of the photos in the accompanying link.  There are number of trails in the world I’d not hike, and this one is probably at the top of the list.  And you’ll never guess what’s at the end of the trail.  More here.

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10 years ago

Actually, the Hua Shan (Mountain Hua) is close to the city of Xi’an (where Terracotta warriors museum is located). I visited both in a same trip few years ago.

Regarding to the Hua Shan trial, there was a local advise “if you want to climb to the tea house, better do it during night, because you do not see what is around you, ha ha!“.

Of course, now a days, you can get there comfortably by riding a Gondola.

10 years ago

To be precise, the Hua Shan trial has two sections.  The longer scarier section with local advise to be done during night is now equipped with Gondola.  Only the hard core climber will try that section now.  There are park ranger standing by the entrance to screen if some one is really fit for the climb (after seeing the trial in person, i realized that the screen is not just for increasing the Gondola revenue!).


Not be too relaxed yet,  even after the Gondola ride, to reach the tea house, one still have to go through a hair standing section, which including the one shown in the following photo, called “fish back trial”. 


However, countless people make the dangerous journey for what's at the top...

10 years ago

As a confirmed acrophobic, I had trouble even looking at the pictures.  But then I can’t have an accident if I can’t even imagine doing the climb.  I’ll concentrate on not falling down the stairs in my home and maintain my preference for looking UP at mountains from flat ground or water.

10 years ago

It reminds me of the pictures I’ve seen of that ridge just below the summit of Everest, without the snow, but equally terrifying and as unlikely you’ll find me there in this lifetime.  Dr. Y, may I request you scatter my ashes from that location?

10 years ago

Ha ha Port, if scattered from the “fish back”, you will not likely reach the “flat ground or water” there.  Most likely will be blown upwards towards the sky


10 years ago

Originally Posted by Dr.Y:    “…if scattered from the “fish back”, you will not likely reach the “flat ground or water” there.”   Note I stipulated “in this lifetime”.  I figured if I’m to experience such a thing, it’ll have to wait until I’m ashes.  But better late than never, right?  

10 years ago

yes, I have been in that tea house before, without a helmet !

10 years ago

DEFINITELY NOT the hike for me.  I like hiking but I just hate standing beside a drop like this.  And those boards just don’t look strong enough….


But interesting to read about and see.

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